America began its war on drugs during the 80's while Ronald Reagan was in office. Extreme punishment is handed out for drug offenses. Narcotics like cocaine and heroin alter the mind significantly and punishment should be harsh for anyone who consumes or deals these drugs. The drug laws are harsh for all narcotics which should be evaluated. Marijuana has been the subject of many debates for the past twenty years. This drug does not significantly alter the brain and in some cases can be legally used for medicinal purposes. Marijuana should not be looked at as a severe narcotic.
Prison populations are growing at an alarming rate due to harsh sentencing towards drug offenses. America could alleviate prison overcrowding if they re-evaluate mandatory drug sentencing. There are individuals spending long periods of time in prison for marijuana charges. Alcohol in most cases causes more problems than marijuana, but alcohol possession does not put you in prison.
People believe that marijuana should be legalized and taxed. This is much harder than one might expect, because most of the public is against it. Drugs are hard to accept, because they cause so much pain and suffering. Cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines are extreme narcotics, but marijuana should not be grouped with these drugs. In the future America will continue to look at legalizing marijuana and it will be interesting to see the outcome. In upcoming years marijuana will become more accepted, but until then it is still a narcotic and is still illegal. Hopefully one day legislation will look at marijuana in a different light.
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