Monday, May 7, 2012

BTK: Bind, Torture, and Kill

When and average citizen thinks of Wichita, Kansas they think of one thing, "BTK." Wichita is home to one of the most prolific serial killers in American history. BTK terrorized the Wichita area for three decades. His killings started in the mid 70's with his last one occurring in 1990. BTK was apprehended in 2005 when he resurfaced with letters to law enforcement and local media. Up until that time BTK was the Boogey Man in Wichita. 

Dennis Rader was an upstanding citizen in Wichita. He had a loving family and was the head member in his church. How can this man be a serial killer? Serial killers are egocentric and this is their downfall. Dennis Rader is BTK and he would of never been apprehended if he didn't resurface seven years ago. Every criminal profile was wrong, because criminal profilers never believed that a killer of this sort could live the life that Rader did. It is hard to believe that for years BTK stopped killing and lived a normal life.

Dennis Rader lived a life of deception. This is why he is one of the most prolific serial killers of all time. He changed his motives always leading police on a wild goose chase. It is unbelievable that a killer of this nature could live at large for so many years. Lt. Landwehr stated that if Rader never resurfaced he would of never been caught.

BTK will forever be in the minds of citizens of Wichita. It is a part of history that people wish would of never happened. One can't help but think Rader changed the way law enforcement studies serial killers. 

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